Saturday 23 April 2011


A certain sensitivity, a certain ability to live in fantasy games, a softness and gentleness, but beyond those, nothing marked me out than being anything other than the boy I appeared to be. Not very forceful or aggressive and good at picking up social clues and being loving and caring, but, no, pretty much a boy. Mud and dirt covered endlessly playing war games, playing cowboys and Indians, playing chase and tag, playing football and cricket, damning streams to make waterfall, seeing how conquers could be made stronger (vinegar was a help there, or so I think we believed).

It was at the beginning of my teenage years that something must have been detectably different, perhaps some mannerisms, some way of being, something that was not quite male. Then began a time of periods of exclusion, of occasional ridicule for the way I stood or moved, of times of isolation. Not man-becoming enough to be included, but not emerging-gay enough to be shunned, or be be find solace in the company of those who were. Just a little odd, just a puzzle, as if no-one quite knew what box to put me in.

As a young man I was very knotted up and unhappy, socially incompetent, shy , introverted. I did have a few friends, both male and female, and felt very strongly attracted to the female ones, endlessly wanting romance, but, but, far too locked up in my shell to be brave enough to connect – and it was romance, not sex that I wanted most. 

Of course I wanted sex, desperately at times – the hormone drive was full on – and it was girls that I craved, but to be bowled over by some young woman who would make me hers, not merely to be laid. Not that I knew that clearly at the time – just confusions, uncertainties, longings. I wanted, more than anything else, to fall in love and to be loved. I wanted endless hours of holding hands under stars, of gazing into eyes, of giggling and chatting and wishing upon the moon.

As some of the more discerning of you may have realised, that pattern is so much more typical of the female than of the male; but as a young man I did not realise that I was a young woman as well, that these longings were hers, that she was shaping how I was as a person as much as the man in me was. That shock of discovery lay not long ahead.

It came in the first weeks of marriage. Oh yes, marriage. An older woman found me and did make me hers. I fell gratefully into her arms and into her life, well, into her life – she was not so interested in my falling into her arms. There was love, and that was what was important to me - to be loved. And there were already children, a ready-made family, and that felt good too. I took to being a parent and a family man quite naturally,as if it had always been meant to be so. I found a very naturally nurturing side in me.

Just with all of this new beginning, came the shock of discovery. In the very first weeks of marriage. My wife was older, experienced - she'd had many lovers. She noted that her new husband was responsive in ways that all of those other men were not. And there were many other men, so she knew that this was odd.

She was curious to know what it was that made her new husband sensitive to being touched in ways that the other man were not. My extreme sensitivity where breasts would be if I were a woman. My ways to being so softly responsive, yieldingly so, and, even more perplexing, my sensitivity to being touched over the pubic mound. When she investigated she found what looked like a small, but real, dip where a virginal entry would be on a woman. This she explored and found it to be an entrance, thickly covered with skin, not like the thin skin of a hyman, thicker, but an entrance none the less. One with those oh so familiar muscles around that she knew so well from herself. One that responded by opening and closing in just the same ways. Her suspicions aroused she set to and touched me as one would touch a woman, letting her fingers play on me just as she let them play on herself. My responses were extreme and exactly those of a woman touched in that way, even to the point of orgasm.

My cries frightened and confused her, so very clearly female - but the reasons for them frightened and confused her even more. Her husband, her man, who was quite clearly a man, and who was soon to be the father of her next child, was also a woman. It made no sense. It was too shocking.

I was absolutely and completely disorientated. My body had for a time become another body, mine, but not as I had ever known it. Responding, feeling, moving, breathing, wanting, experiencing quite differently. My identity was shattered. It lay in pieces and with it lay the illusion that I was normal.

I was not one person, a man as I had thought, as I had been brought up to be, as everyone, even doctors, had counted me as being, but two, interwoven in the same body, sharing the same consciousness, sharing the same flesh and bone. One, the man I thought I was, the other, a woman, hidden, secret, almost undetectable, almost unobservable, but there physically, so very much there.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

So why?

So why? Why the naming of what I am? Why the “coming out”? 
So much easier to keep your head down and pretend; pretend what you have been encouraged to pretend, to perpetuate the myth, to pretend that it is just not so! After all, it made other people comfortable with their version of reality to pretend a complete normality; a version that did not contain such inconveniences as having to accept someone as being different. 
If I really reach down inside, the answer must lie in part in wanting some self-respect - to be known as who and what I am - and in part in wanting others caught in this in-between world to know that they are not alone. That it is the prejudices, misconceptions and ignorance of other's that is the problem, not what we are, as we are born, as we are made. That is not something we can be held responsible for. It is not something we have chosen. It is not something we do, it is simply as we are.

I am happy to be held to account for my actions. I am not happy to be held to account for the way nature made my body.

It is bad enough facing all of that prejudice without facing your own inward doubts and worse, the shame that you may come to feel because of it. That really does poison, the shame, it is quite toxic. It makes you not want to be you; but none of us, none one of us, have the choice of not being what we are. In the end you do have to come to terms with that, to accept, to be what you are. 
Note – I do say, “What you are” not “What you have become”. This is not about accepting what you have become because of your actions. It is not like standing up as saying “I am D and I am an alcoholic” as a step to changing to not being one any longer. This is simply about your biology, about that which is you right to your core. 
So, what is it that I am? Simple. I am a chimera.

First, take two foetuses in the very earliest stages of conception, twins, but when they are no more than the smallest bundle of cells. Then allow them to come into contact with each other. Something strange can happen to those two bundles of what are as yet stem cells – so adaptable and changeable at that stage – so able to become anything – they become entangled, they merge into one being. But one being with two distinct cell lines made from what were, for a time, two separate lives.

It may be that they are both males. It may be that they are both females. Chances are, if that is the case, they will pass through life never knowing that they are a twin being. But what if one is male and the other female? Think – as they grow, as they weave one in and out of the other, so some parts of the body will want to become male, others female. Some cells have the chromosomes that will carry male genes, Y chromosomes. Some cells will not. When that critical time comes when “maleness” is switched on – about 12 weeks – those cells, those with the Y, can respond to the call, can become “man” cells, can set out to build a boy. But the other cells, those that are XX cells, they are deaf to that signal. They carry on doing what they are programmed to do. They set out to build a girl. 
The result? A body that is both. A dual purpose, dual function body - well, sort of, at least in terms of structures. That is where the hormones come in. If there are enough XY cells then there may be just enough hormone produced to make them dominant, so the result is apparently male. It may even be functionally male. It may even grow up believing that it is male. It may even look like one - well, reasonably so. It may grow like one. Yes, it may even passes through puberty at the right time and become what appears to be a man. It may even function as a man – biologically.

So far so good. But – ah the “BUT” had to come. Those girl cells, those XX cells, they had not been idle. They had followed their instructions and build all the right bits to make a female, and even wired them up in the right way, only the hormones kept them quite about it. Too much testosterone – or androgen as it is sometimes called – not sure what the difference is if any, not that it matters – and too little oestrogen. Poor girl cells. Not triggered into full action. Not allowed to blossom. But what they have built, what they have become, is still there, is still alive and responsive.

What have we got? A heterosexual male who is also a female. Bazaar? Exotic? Confused and confusing? Try living it!

Falling through time

I am no more than a bundle of absurdities falling though time and laughing.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Something almost tangible

Priestie, well, that is the nickname we have given him, he is an x-catholic priest, now married, divorced, and, who knows, maybe in a relationship again, but all of that is not the point. The point was a conversation we had. He pops in now and again, just for a chat. On this particular occasion the subject turned to death, which as a catholic priest he had to witness quite a number of times - part of the duties of the job, administering the last rites and similar stuff. He did say there was a strange beauty in the moments of death. First the light going out of the eyes, then something slipping downward across the face and on, as if some force was leaving the body, something almost tangible, almost a thing in itself that was shedding the body. He said it gave him hope.

Thought I would share that with you.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Each breath

Drink each breath for they are all that we have.

Friday 15 April 2011

One click at a time

The shift from the silent majority to the grumbling majority - the power of the internet giving voice to people. A few clicks and anther protest email sent, another protest app launched - view expressed – approval of this, disapproval of that, request for action on this, requests to stop doing that. There is no longer any need to feel disconnected – you may well be ignored, you may well be despised or disregarded by those in power - but you need no longer be silent. So easy, so simple, so immediate, so consumer friendly, maybe so in tune with gen-y, the echo-boomers, coming politically of age.

The silent majority is no longer silent: there is a revolution coming, one click at a time.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Meanwhile next door

Meanwhile, next door, the Sport of Priest Frightening
Read the full satanic horror story - well, it would be a story if it were not true!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

What are we?

What are we but a bag of skin and bone burning with the fire of life for a while as it passes its way through us from the beginning of time to who knows where.


We build our lives out of layer after layer of meaning, each piled chaotically one on top of the other, each weaving in and out of the rest, each binding us into place, each binding us into believing that those meanings are what we are, that those meanings are the sum and total of us - but they are not. They are only some of the possibilities of what we could be. They are only some of the paths we could walk. Even if we walked every pathway, even if we realised every possibility, they are still not what we are but only what we do, or could do, and, at the last, what we have done.

Snowflakes and rainbows

Snowflakes are important because they are, each and every one, the result of a causal process, and are, each and every one, different. You can predict exactly when snow will form, but it is impossible to predict the shape of any one snowflake. Understand this and you understand the interplay between strictly deterministic causality and chaos theory. The fine grained variability that limits what can be predicted. The fine balance between order and disorder as each flows into the other. It is the fundamental entropic flow of all existence.

And rainbow - well, they are curved because light travels in straight lines. There, in front of our eyes, the visible evidence of quantum theory - the paradox of light being both a wave and a particle. Which, of cause, results in Heisenberg's uncertainty principle - that if you know the speed of a particle, you must be uncertain about its position, or if you know the position you must be uncertain about its speed - you cannot know both about the one and the same particle.

Now throw in Godel's incompleteness theorem - not even numbers work, they are not provably consistent - and Turing's halting problem - that you cannot know if a program will stop or not in advance of running it; and the result -

now why should I do the thinking for you?

Embrace the uncertainty, love the chaos, wonder at the creativity that results.

Which way?

The realisation that there is no internal world, only the external world internalised.
The realisation that there is no external world, only the internal world externalised.
Both are truths,
Both are untruths.

Descartes's "cogito" sees the world from the inside looking out and attempts to construct the outside from within.
Zen's "one-hand" sees the world pouring in from the outside and collapsing the self.

Beware the naming

Beware the naming of "God" for in that lies much danger and the building of temples. Soon fatwas and schisms, hight priests and sacraments, and "is the wine really turned to blood or do we spill blood so that we can say that it is?". Beware the naming, for in that there is so much prescription and hatred and communities split asunder. Do not go there, but rather place your fingers on your lips and say not a word. So, what is the name of - shoos, not a word, not a word!

The Foo Dogs Know

The first breath, the birth breath, that in-breath with which we join the world, us hung between that and the last breath, the out-breath, the death-breath with which we leave the world, and between, the mad dance.
The Foo-dogs know. She, mouth closed, is the in-breath, made through the nose in Buddhist practice. He, mouth open, is the out-breath, made through the mouth in Buddhist practice. They, the first and last, the alpha and omega, the guardians standing at our entrance and our exit and all life and fortune lying between.
She protecting those who enter in past her. He protecting those who exit out past him. Either side they stand of many doors. She, foot on their child, mindful of family and home - those things for which we enter in. He, foot on the world, mindful of work and voyaging - those things for which we exit out.
She, mindful and accepting all that enters in, is the inward practice of meditation, of finding the peace, the love and the divine laughter within.
He, mindful and accepting of all that exits out, is the outward practice of embracing each moment of life and what falls in our path, and of giving out love and care for the world.

Creating monsters

Listening to the truth within,
Observing the wonder without.
Unbinding from the shackles of words:
Name it God and you create a monster,
Name it not and you close your heart.

Monday 11 April 2011

Reckless abandon

If we understand anything at all about the process of creation it is its reckless abandon, it joy, its uninhibited playfulness. It froths with excitement and possibility. It has no purpose, just a mad explosive force. It does not know what comes next because it hasn't got there yet and will not know until after.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Words fall like raindrops

Words fall like raindrops on the surface of a pool, each making their disturbance for a while, making patterns of ripples that soon die away; patterns that are soon replaced by other patterns and overlaid by yet more, each supper-imposing, each cancelling out what was there before, each building in apparent complexity - but none of them , not one, is the pool.

Stop the words falling and, as it calms, the depths of the pool begin to be seen.

Friday 8 April 2011


Word, constructs, ideas, ways of seeing, explanations, concepts, theories, discourses, scripts - piles and piles of words on words; each their own patterns weaving and painting; each persuasive to a point; each drawing you in to believe that they have caught some essence of reality; each valid within their own framework - like the patterns of a tapestry when on the loom: but the pictures that is trapped in there is no more the reality than than a child's drawing of the sun is the sun.

What use? Sometimes, like a workman's tools, they do a job, tightening this, loosening that, helping to unblock a blockage, mending a break: but if life is flowing freely, then they are of little use.

Good to fix things, but best seen through as a tissue: the word ''sugar'' will sweeten no tea, the word "fire" will burn no wood.

Distrusting words

You are right to distrust words, the warp and weft of their connotations are too persuasive.
Our minds flow along those far too easily, far too much without challenge, like a stream following a water course.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Each leaf

"Each leaf has its own way to fall to the ground"

Don't know where this comes from, but it says so much that I had to post it here.